Sunday, July 1, 2012

Intellectual Social Responsibility (ISR) di SMA 11 Semarang

 By : Melati Monikasari

Intelectual Social Responsibility (ISR) mungkin banyak orang yang belum agak familiar dengan istilah ini karena hampir mirip dengan istilah Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) atau kewajiban perusahaan terhadap lingkungan sosialnya. ISR ini memiliki konsep yang sama. Kami Mahasiswa Fasttrack Magister Administrasi Publlik sebagai penerima beasiswa dari Negara memiliki kewajiban untuk berbagi ilmu kepada masyarkat.ISR untuk MAP dibagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu di SMA 11 Semarang dan SMK 7 Semarang (STM Pembangunan. Di sini kami mulai bertugas mulai dari bulan Mei, Juni, hingga Juli 2012. 

Saya mendapatkan tugas untuk melakukan kegiatan ISR di SMA 11 Semarang. Hal ini merupakan hal yang menarik bagi saya, di sini saya seperti menjadi seorang guru yang membimbing murid-muridnya. Ketika ada kegiatan kelas meeting, diadakan berbagai kegiatan untuk merefresh kegiatan siswa agar tidak jenuh dengan kegiatan belajar. Adanya beberapa perlombaan yang diadakan seperti sepak bola, pecah air, dan sebagainya. Di dalam perlombaan ini merupakan ajang untuk saling menjunjung sportivitas. Semua siswa dan siswi sangat mengapresiasi adanya perlombaan ini.

Selain adanya class meeting, saya bersama beberapa kawan masuk ke kelas - kelas khususnya yang kami tuju adalah kelas XII. Kami duduk bersama murid-murid yang berada di dalam kelas untuk berdiskusi khususnya tentang perkuliahan. Mereka sharing ingin masuk kemana dan bagaimana tips agar lulus SNMPTN. kami berbagi ilmu mengenai jurusan-jurusan apa saja yang ada di Undip dan cakupan ilmu sesuai jurusan yang diminati. Karena saya ingat ketika kelas XII dahulu, saya pun bingung menentukan jurusan mana yang saya akan ambil, sehingga kami tim dari FT MAP Undip sangat semangat sekali menjawab antusiasme adek- adek di SMA 11 Semarang ini. 

ISR selanjutnya yaitu mengikuti dalam Sosialisasi " Say No to Narkoba" yang bertujuan untuk menjauhkan generasi muda dari narkoba. Sosialisasi ini mencakup bahaya bahaya narkoba, hukuman bagi para pemakai, hingga yang menarik adalah adanya test urine untuk mengetahui apakah ada pencandu narkoba dan alhamdulilah untuk SMA 11 Semarang nihil atau bebas narkoba. 

Kami sangat bangga mendapatkan tugas terhormat untuk melakukan ISR di SMA 11 Semarang. Kami berharap program ISR ini terus bergulir dari angkatan FT dari tahun ke tahun. Agar generasi - generasi muda juga dapat termotivasi untuk terus menempuh pendidikan hingga ke perguruan tinggi. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Contemporary Issues in Leadership : Finding and Creating effective leaders in Public Organization

 By : Melati Monikasari 

Presented on Seminar Online Fast Track Student on Tuesday, March 27th 2012 


    Leadership in an organization is a very important factor in determining the achievement of organizational goals. Leadership is the central point and policy makers of the activities to be implemented in the organization. Leadership is an activity to influence the other behavior in order that they would be directed to achieve spesific goals. Mean while, according to Robbins (2002 : 163) Leadership is abality to influence a group to achieve a goals.
    A leader should have the knowledge, skills, able to analyze in depth information to take an appropriate decision, he should be able to involbe the appropriate stakeholders in the decision making process. An effective leader is someone who can inspire his followers to achieve a better and higher than present. In fact an effective leader is someone who able to read situations, solve problems, be responsible, willing to develop followers and have integrity and ethics, because he has to give an example or act as role model for his followers. In the globalization era, a leader, especially in public organizations should be able to become a central figure who can unite the groups to interact and conduct cooperation for the achievement of organizational goals. With his ability be able to collaberate on one or few individuals of excellence in a group to complete a job.

 2. Analysis 

 2.1 Framing : Using Words to shape Meaning and Inspire Others 

       Framing is a way to use language to manage meaning. It’s a way for leaders to influence how events are seen and understood. It involves the selection and highlighting of one or more aspects of a subject while excluding others. Framing is analogous to what a photographer does. The visual world that exist is essentially ambiguous. When the photographer aims a camera and focuses on a spesific shot, he frames a photo.Others then see what he wanted them to see. They see his point of view. This is precisely what leaders do when they frame an issue. They choose which aspects or portions of the subject they want others to focus on and which portions they want to be excluded.
      We can look at Martin Luther King Jr.’s Influential “ I Have a Dream” speech, delivered on steps of the licoln memoriam in 1963, succeeded in putting the civil rights movement into vivid and moving terms that all could understand. King’s framing statement had a profound effect on the way people saw the struggle for justice in the years that followed.
    Framing is relevan to leadership today because in the complex and chaotic environtment in which increasing number of leaders work, there is typically considerable maneuverability with respect to the facts. Leaders can use language to influence follower’s perceptions of the world, the meaning of events, beliefs abaout causes and consequences, and vision of the future. It’s through framing that leaders determine whether people notice problems, how they react to problems. Thus, framing is a powerful tool by which leaders influence how others see and interpret reality.

 2.2 Inspirational Approaches to Leadership 

• Charismatic Leadership 

  According to charismatic leadership theory, followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. Charismatic eaders tend to be open, confident and have a strong determination to achieve result.
    The key characteristics of charismatic leaders following :
  1.  Have a vision. Has a vision that proposes a future better than the status quo; and is able to clarify the                                importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others. 
  2. Personal risk. Are willing to take personal risks to achieve the vision. 
  3.  Sensitivity to follower needs. Perceptive of others’ abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings
  4. Unconventional behavior. Exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary 
     For example, Ir. Soekarno was one of a charismatic leader in the history of Indonesia. The people who follow Ir. Soekarno, leader of the magnitude, which has brought them towards independence, which is well understood and pervanding with the soul of the people and his speeches that continue to arouse the people to achive a glorious future.

 • Trasformational Leadeship

 Transformational leaders inspire followers to transcend their own self-interest for the good of the organization and ara capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their followers. These kind of leaders guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requiments. The characteristics of transformasional leaders is (Robbins and Judge : 2008, 387) : 
  1. Idealized Influence : Provides vision and sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect and trust
  2. Inspirational Motivation : Communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, expresses important purposes in simple ways. 
  3. Intellectual Stimulation : Promotes intelligence, rationality, and careful problem solving 
  4.  Individualized Consideration: Gives personal attention, treats each employee individually, coaches, advises. 
    Transformational leaders encourage followers to be more innovative and creative. Transformational leaders are more effective because they are not only more creative but also mpre effective because it can encourage its followers to be more creative too. The followers of transformational leaders tend to pursue ambitious goals, understand, and approve the organization’s strategic goals, and believe that they are pursuing the important goals. In the end, transformational leadership also resulted in a commitment on the part of the followers and instill greater confidence in themselves.
    Indonesia have a transformasional leader, he is Ir H. Joko Widodo is often called Jokowi since inauguration of Mayor of Surakarta on July 28th 2004 as the beginning of a breakthrough after breaktrough. One of the most often mentioned is his successfull in the process of relocating cadgers (PKL) is elegant. He moved to a thousand merchant of the monument to Klitikan Market Banjarsari without rejection. Under his leadership, the goverment of Surakarta patienly explained the significance of the move. Jokowi have to eat 54 times to persuade the cadgers for the past seven months. Jokowi success in managing cadger in Surakarta judged impartially on the micro economy and traditional markets. In fact, not only in terms of cadgers, Jokowi also considered to have a appreciation in building the economy and courage the growth of Micro Small Enterprises (SMEs) in Surakarta, by empowering traditional market limit the construction of the mall. The branding of Surakarta “The spirit of Java” is blown Jokowi not only able to boost performance and increase revenue (PAD) of Surakarta, but also it has become an inspiration for political of goverment in many areas.

 • Authentic Ledership

   Authentic leadership is leaders who know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. Their followers would consider them to be ethical people. The primary quality, therefore, produced by authentic leadership is trust. The authentic leadership build trust by share information, encourage open communication, and stick their ideals. The result is pepople come to have faith in authentic leaders.
   Ethics contact with the leadership in some point. The leader described as a bearer of moral values when they try to change attidues and behavior of his followers. If not unethical leaders tend to use their charisma to control his followers, which eventually led to complacency. While the ethical leader is believed to use their charisma to serve others. Because a moral standard for an organization, top excecutives need to set high etchical standards, such standards to show their behavior, and to encourage and respect the integrity of others. 
    Effectiveness of leadership means by which to be concerned about a leader in its effort to achieve the goals and content of the goal. Leadership is not free of value. Before you judge a leader as someone who is effective, we must consider the ways in which these leaders to achieve the goals and moral values of the objective. 

 2.3 Leadership Challenges for Public Organization in Global Era 

    First, the challenges og globalization is qualified human resources and the ability of national competitiveness. We all know that the global era has opened a new chances especially ini economics will bring a positive influence on prospects of national economics growth . However Indonesia have a great chance, it will be nothing for Indonesia society, if we do not have capacity, especially human resources quality like the technical expertise, skill, profesionalism, and competitiveness. In the context, a solid and reliable leadership is needed to consolidate the power and potential of Indonesian society. 
         Second the challenge of keeping national integration. Indonesia is a pluralistic nation that both in terms of ethnic, cultural, religious, and geography. Therefore, all levels of society and social components should strive to maintain and preserve the integrity of the nation. The reality of puralism of Indonesian society should remain a treasure, and therefore required an adhesive power to keep the integration of the nation. In this context, Indonesia still needs a leader figure who is able to integrate all the streghth of this pluralistic nation.   
      Third, the challenge of building a knowledgeable public ( knowledge society). This challenge is very important and serious, especially linked with the progress of science and technology are very high. Building a knowledge society is to build public awareness about thr importance of having the vision and sights of science and technology in preparation to face the global era. 
     Fourth, the challenge of openness and democratization. Society has changed so rapidly, and getting strong demands openness and democratization in life on nation and state. Therefore, the leader ship in future should be open, responsive, and accommodating to the aspirations of change and renewal. Without a commitment to be open and democratic, a leader will not have legitimacy from the public. In addtion, leaders will beobsolete, and irrelevant to the development of society. 

 3. Conclusion

       Leadership is a form of domination based on the capabilities / personal skills, which is able to encourage and invite others to do something in order to achieve common goals. Leadership is a unique combination of leadership, friends, teachers.A leader who has the spirit of leadership is a skillful leader who can do a combination of improvisation and to influence the behavior of followers in various situations. 
      Public organizatios are increasly searching for leader who can exhibit transformational lerdership qualities. They want leader with vision and the charisma to carry those vision out. And although true leadership effectiveness may be a result of exhibiting the right behavior at the right time, the evidence is quite strong that people have a relatively uniform perception of what a leader should look like. The attribute “leadership” to people who are smart, personable, verbally adept, and the like. 
          In order to face the large and complex problems in the globa era, in fact a great nation requires strong and firm leadership. With strong and firm leadership, is expected to bring Indonesia into the global era, there are four matters of strategic importance, the challenge of leadership in future is qualified human resources and the ability of national competitiveness, keeping national integration, building a knowledgeable public ( knowledge society) and openness and democratization.

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       Administrasi Publik”, Yogyakarta, Program Magister Administrasi Publik

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mengurangi Konsumsi Nasi Putih itu Sehat

Mulai untuk berpuasa makan nasi sepertinya baik untuk dicoba. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan ada kemungkinan untuk mengembangkan risiko diabetes tipe 2 melalui makan nasi.

Penelitian dilakukan dengan melihat kembali empat penelitian sebelumnya yang melibatkan sekitar 350.000 orang. Hasilnya, semakin banyak makan nasi putih, maka semakin tinggi kesempatan seseorang untuk mengembangkan kondisi tersebut.

Temuan yang dimuat dalam British Medical Journal menganalisis seluruh partisipan melalui satu porsi nasi 18 gram dan faktor lain, seperti berat badan, tingkat olahraga dan diet. Selama masa penelitian (4-22 tahun), sekitar 13.200 orang mengembangkan diabetes.

Orang Asia dianggap berisiko tinggi terkena diabetes tipe 2. Hal ini disebabkan orang Asia cenderung memiliki asupan jauh lebih tinggi untuk mengonsumsi nasi dibandingkan orang Barat, rata-rata tiga hingga empat porsi dalam sehari.

Para peneliti menjelaskan bahwa terdapat efek negatif terhadap kadar gula darah karena nasi putih mengandung indeks glikemik yang tinggi dibanding nasi merah. Selain itu, nasi putih juga memiliki nutrisi yang lebih sedikit, termasuk serat dan magnesium, yang dapat mencegah diabetes tipe 2.

Indeks glikemik merupakan ukuran seberapa cepat glukosa dilepaskan kedalam aliran darah setelah makan. Makanan yang mengandung indeks glikemik rendah, seperti beras merah, membuat orang merasa kenyang lebih lama dan menjaga kadar gula lebih stabil.

Sumber : (Yahoo)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Perempuan Tambah Gemuk Setelah Menikah? Ini Alasannya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Beberapa pria dan wanita merasa badannya lebih berisi setelah menikah. Perasaan lebih gemuk ini bisa jadi bukan sekedar mitos. Studi baru yang dipresentasikan di American Sociological Association, menyatakan perkawinan memang bisa mengarah ke penambahan berat badan yang cukup signifikan.

Studi ini mengatakan, setelah menikah berat badan wanita bisa meningkat hingga 33 persen. Angka itu pun masih masuk kategori peningkatan berat badan dalam skala kecil. Peningkatan berat badan pada skala yang lebih besar, bahkan mencapai 48 persen.
Namun, tunggu dulu, jangan buru-buru mengkambinghitamkan pernikahan jika anda tiba-tiba menjadi gemuk. Studi yang dilakukan pada tahun 2006 menemukan bahwa ada kecenderungan perubahan pola makan pada wanita setelah menikah.

Orang yang telah menikah cenderung sering makan bersama. Hal ini yang diyakini menjadi salah satu penyebab meningkatnya berat badan seseorang setelah menikah.
Jika sang suami memiliki porsi makan lebih banyak, hal ini dapat mempengaruhi nafsu makan sang istri. Dengan kata lain, keinginan untuk makan banyak terkadang bukan disebabkan oleh nafsu makan sendiri, namun berasal dari nafsu makan yang tertular dari pasangan mereka.

Pasangan yang baru menikah juga cenderung untuk sering bereksperimen membuat masakan. Akhir pekan yang dihabiskan bersama, sering identik dengan membuat menu baru pada makanan mereka.

Sebagai bentuk penghargaan, sang suami akan menghabisakan makanan sebagai penghargaan bagi sang istri. Sementara itu, sang istri juga akan terpengaruh dengan nafsu makan suami. Namun, lelaki cenderung menghabiskan kalori yang lebih banyak dibandingkan perempuan, bahkan ketika sedang beristirahat. Sedangkan pembakaran kalori pada tubuh wanita lebih lambat. Oleh karena itu jangan heran perempuan cenderung lebih mudah bertambah gemuk setelah menikah

Sumber :

Tuesday, December 13, 2011




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui budaya organisasi di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi masukan bagi BRI Cabang Ungaran dalam menerapkan dan mengembangkan budaya organisasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan Situs pada penelitian ini di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang yang berfokus pada budaya organisasi. Fenomena yang diteliti meliputi Isi dan Sosialisasi Budaya Organisasi, Karakteristirk Budaya Organisasi serta nilai-nilai budaya organisasi. Pemilihan informan berdasarkan purposive sampling yang kemudian dikembangkan melalui snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu Observasi, Wawancara, Dokumentasi serta studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teknik analisis domain.
Hasil Penelitian dilapangan dan berdasarkan hasil wawancara yaitu untuk penerapan budaya organisasi terdapat isi budaya organisasi dan sosialisasi, karakteristik budaya organisasi yaitu Inovasi dan keberanian mengambil resiko, Perhatian terhadap detail, Berorientasi kepada hasil, Berorientasi kepada manusia, Berorientasi tim, Agresif, Pengawasan dan Arah. Nilai nilai budaya organisasi yaitu lntegritas, Profesionalisme, Kepuasan Nasabah, Keteladanan, Penghargaan pada Sumber Daya Manusia.
Disarankan Sosialisasi budaya organisasi harus dilakukan secara kontinyu sehingga penerapan isi-isi budaya organisasi agar terus berkembang dan mampu bersaing dalam era globalisasi.

Kata Kunci : Budaya Organisasi, BRI Cabang Ungaran